One of the most important services Allgenerations offers our members are posting SEARCHES. This is how we try to obtain information about and/or attempt to locate missing relatives and friends whose fate, since Liberation, has yet to be determined and who it is hoped, may still be alive today.

A SEARCH e-mail is composed of inquiries we receive from our members seeking relatives and friends whose fate is still unknown since Liberation; the SEARCHES are limited to the Holocaust era (1933-45 and are only for specifically named individuals (not for general family names), who it is believed may still be alive today.

SEARCHES may be submitted only by paid-up members.

In addition, the Allgenerations SEARCHES are published in Together, the newspaper of the American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants, in order to expand the reach of the SEARCHES and thereby increase the chances of more responses. We are very pleased and proud to report that along with our members we have facilitated many joyous reunions and have brought together family and friends who were apart for the last 65 years or more.

It should be noted that Allgenerations does not perform research for the SEARCHES that it posts. We are not a tracing service or any type of organization of that nature; we have no archives, documents, files, etc. The SEARCHES are simply composed of submitted e-mail inquiries, that are compiled into one e-mail (called a SEARCH) and posted solely to our membership and hope that someone will respond – you never know.

Allgenerations does not accept SEARCH requests for genealogy purposes, family trees / family roots projects, for information on just towns, cities and countries, etc.

If you are not currently a member and would like to become one, you can sign up here.

Please note that the posting of any item submitted to Allgenerations, is solely up to the discretion of Allgenerations.